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Welcome to Class Four

In Class Four we have Year 5 and 6 with Miss Hartley, Mrs Aldana and Mrs Whitlock

My name is Miss Hartley and I am the Class teacher. I am delighted to welcome you back to school and I am very much looking forward to begin our journey together in Class 4. We have lots of exciting opportunities planned for the year and I can’t wait for us all to get started!

Here is a little bit about me:

This is my fourth year teaching here at Dodleston. I qualified as a primary school teacher in 2018 and began my teaching career as a supply teacher across a variety of primary schools in Cheshire before completing my NQT year in a mixed Year 5/6 class in Winsford.

I have a real passion for teaching and a big love of learning. I am an avid reader and can’t wait to share lots of new story books with you in school!

Our Curriculum- Medium Term Planning Autumn 2024




Our PE sessions this Autumn term are on Wednesday afternoon (taught by a sports coach from Full of Beans) and Monday morning (a swimming session).

On Wednesday, the children should come to school in PE kit for the day.

On Monday, the children should come to school in uniform with their swim kit in a bag.


Homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be returned to school on a Wednesday.

As part of homework, your child is expected to read regularly at home; reading books from home, school, and the library. Children will also have a Book Bingo, which is a list of recommended reads to support them in choosing a range of books to read.

Times Tables

Times Tables are an essential part of the children's Maths learning. The children will be provided with logins to a fantastic website/app called Times table Rockstars. You can go on a variety of games to learn your timetables whilst ranking on a whole class leader board! Children are ranked on how much they interact with the game and earn coins to purchase new rockstar outfits! The app is fantastic, and I cannot encourage you enough to support your child in engaging with this game.

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